Monday, October 31, 2011


 During this quater I've learned how to use a blog, i've also gotten alot better at my grammar, spelling and puncuation.
 I didn't enjoy any of the work, it was to hard to get caught up with everything after I fell behind. Trying to catch up was frustraiting and wasn't worth it to me anymore, I still did the work that i could and did most of the make up work, but i didn't try my hardest anymore.
Out of the tasks I have done I would have to say the best one would be the e-cigarette, it was something that inertested me, i had also found some good facts on the e-cigarette.
 My worste task would be task 3, it was the first task I had done for blogging, I barley knew what I was doing and had no idea what to write about.
Blogging did not really change writting for me, I think writing is the same as it was for me, before i was introduced to blogging.

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