Monday, October 31, 2011

The life of a Crayon

 The life of a crayon is very difficult, we must go through many different obsticles before we are ready.
 The two main ingerdiants a crayon is made out of are pigment and paraffine, I'am then heated until the ingrediants are completly melted into a liquid, then i am pured into a preheated mold, then cold water is used to cool the mold.


 During this quater I've learned how to use a blog, i've also gotten alot better at my grammar, spelling and puncuation.
 I didn't enjoy any of the work, it was to hard to get caught up with everything after I fell behind. Trying to catch up was frustraiting and wasn't worth it to me anymore, I still did the work that i could and did most of the make up work, but i didn't try my hardest anymore.
Out of the tasks I have done I would have to say the best one would be the e-cigarette, it was something that inertested me, i had also found some good facts on the e-cigarette.
 My worste task would be task 3, it was the first task I had done for blogging, I barley knew what I was doing and had no idea what to write about.
Blogging did not really change writting for me, I think writing is the same as it was for me, before i was introduced to blogging.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


E-cigarettes have become very common with some smokers who are trying to quit, smokers who have switched to e-cigarettes have cut there price in half from what they would have paid to buy a pack of cigaretes.
It also has no odor, people dont have to worry about there clothes and hair smelling like tobacco.
some who use the e-cigarette say they can breathe better, their also is no cancer causing chemicals in the cigarette so you dont have to worry about that, also theres no second hand smoke. and you can smoke it inside anywhere without having to worry about going outside in rain or freezing cold just to have a cigarette.
The e-cigarette is mainly water vapor consisting of nicotine.
I personally dont think e-cigarettes work that well, its wasnt the same as a regular cigarette after I tried it, I  felt like there was nothing there, no nicotine, but for some people it may work and it may be a great way to quit.

Monday, October 10, 2011


To know how to dance you need to know how to move with the beat of the music, learn the count of each step, you also need to be comfortable while you dance you cant be stiff and like a stick other wise it wouldnt look right and you would be able to tell that you aren't comfortable dancing.
You also need to have fun while your dancing, dont look like its something you were forced to do, show that its fun; smile.
You dont really need skills to dance, it takes practice to get it right. Balance is one of the main skills you need to have, you also need to get your steps and counts down for each step, make sure you know the beat to the music. If your just dancing for fun and not for a show or anything there really isn't a skill you need to know just move with the beat.
 If you miss a beat during your dance its hard to get back on track with the music because after you miss one step you end up going faster then the music.
some moves may be hard to get the hang of at first but if you practice and practice you will soon get the hang of it.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


The Vikings have gotten better at there game within the last 2 seasons, but  on september 25 the vikings played the lions.  They lost against the lions 0-2. Vikings could have shown some improvemtent, It was a good game but i think they need a better strategy, or there players need to work harder to win a game. I dont think they will make it to the super bowl this season. Hopefully the Vikings will step up there game.

task 3

Im not a big fan on blogging, but i've gotten the hang of it. I probably will not use this blog out of school,
I think writting class would be easier to get the hang of rather then blogging.
In my opinion blogging is pretty complicating until you get the hang of it.